3 Things Your Derm Says You SHOULDN’T Do | Guide to Acne Free 2023 !

Never, and we mean NEVER skip the sunscreen. We’ve said it many times before and will continue to remind you how important protection is for the skin. Sunscreen is essential to protect skin from those pesky and harmful UVs that can cause skin cancer. Sun exposure has also been proven to age the skin. Don’t forget the tops of your hands!
Don’t go with just anyone. If a friend ever says they can “do your botox” because they watched how to do it on TikTok… we recommend blocking them. Only get injectable treatments from a professional. You don’t want to run the risk of infection, or even more serious complications. Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation to save a few bucks, and do your research to find a highly reputable practitioner.
Don’t pick your face. We know it can be very tempting when you wake up with a pimple, but it’s best to leave it alone or stick a pimple patch over top! Picking, poking, or popping blemishes allows more bacteria to be transferred to the skin. Usually this only creates more irritation, swelling and redness and can also increase the risk of a scar. Keep those hands away. If you find it hard to resist, try washing your face in the dark or by candlelight. Bright lights usually make you want to pop!