Taking Care of Your Skin in Spring

CO2 Laser
Dr. Sheryl Clark, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, suggests that winter calls for shielding the skin from inclement weather conditions and warding off irritation, dryness, and dehydration. Conversely, spring is the ideal time to exfoliate and slough off dead skin cells. She advises against physical scrubs, which can create issues, and instead recommends a gentle, brightening Fraxis fractional CO2 laser.
According to Dr. Cameron Chestnut, a board-certified dermatologist in Spokane, Washington, spring entails frequent temperature and activity shifts. As a result, she primes her skin by engaging in contrast therapy, alternating between ice baths or cryotherapy and spending time in the sauna. Additionally, she plans to enhance this approach by utilizing PRP delivered via a lightly ablative CO2 laser.
Facial Peels
Dr. Farah Naz Khan, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Dallas, shares that her skin tends to appear lackluster and dry throughout the winter months. To combat this, she utilized a Jessner peel to revitalize her skin. This medium-depth peel helps to create a uniform skin tone, diminish areas of hyperpigmentation, and smooth out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. Khan applied a couple of layers of the peel, resulting in peeling that began on day two to three and persisted until day seven. Although she experienced some redness, it only lasted for a day.
Dr. Anil Shah, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Chicago, explains that incorporating exfoliation and deep cleansing into his spring skin-care regimen is something he enjoys. He likens a HydraFacial to a spring cleaning for the skin and pores, as it aids in the elimination of sebum and pollutants.